Growing and Maturing in Christ
A Journey towards Spiritual Maturity
In Colossians 1:28-29, the apostle Paul expresses his deep desire to present every person as "perfect in Christ Jesus." However, this notion of perfection does not imply being flawlessly perfect, as we commonly understand it. Instead, it refers to the process of growing and maturing in one's faith, becoming more like Christ and developing a deeper understanding of God's ways. In Philippians 3:13-15, Paul emphasizes that maturity should be the aim of every Christian.
So, how can we grow and mature in Christ? The answer lies in the words of Paul himself. In Colossians 1:28, he mentions the importance of warning and teaching every person in all wisdom. Warning here means providing clear communication about the spiritual journey, while teaching involves imparting knowledge and skills needed for growth. Merely attending church is not enough; we must actively seek opportunities to learn and understand how to mature in Christ. Sermons, classes, and Bible studies offered in the church provide valuable guidance for our growth.
It is crucial to recognize that a lack of teaching can hinder our spiritual progress, leaving us immature and inexperienced in matters of faith. Just as babies need milk to grow, we too require nourishment from the Word of God. By continually engaging in learning, we allow our faith to develop, strengthening our character and deepening our understanding of God's will.
Furthermore, Paul highlights the significance of teachers in our journey of maturing in Christ. In verse 29 of Colossians 1, he speaks of his labor and striving in teaching others. This labor involves investing time, patience, and love in guiding others' spiritual growth. It requires a willingness to walk alongside new believers, answer their questions, and provide support. However, Paul also acknowledges that his labor is not in vain, for he relies on God's work within him. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that true transformation takes place.
Similarly, we too must be willing to labor for the sake of others. We should make ourselves available to teach, mentor, and disciple those who are new in their faith. By investing in their spiritual journey, we create an environment conducive to growth and maturity. As we partner with God, relying on His strength and guidance, we will witness the mighty works of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those we mentor.
In conclusion, growing and maturing in Christ is a lifelong journey. It requires a commitment to learning, seeking wisdom, and actively engaging with the teachings of the Word. By heeding Paul's admonition to warn and teach, and by embracing the role of teachers and mentors, we can foster an environment that encourages spiritual growth. Let us remember that as we labor for others, relying on God's strength, we become vessels through which His transformative power can work mightily. May we all strive to grow and mature in our faith, becoming more like Christ with each passing day.