Part 2: Qualifications for a Man to Serve as a Teacher or Leader


What Does It Mean to Have Self-Control as a Leader?

Self-control is the ability to master one’s emotions, desires, and actions. A leader must be disciplined in every area of life—thoughts, words, and behavior—so that he remains focused on God’s mission and serves with integrity.

Scripture References:

  • 1 Timothy 3:2 – “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach.”

  • Titus 1:8 – “But hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled.”

Key Word: Self-Controlled

  • Greek: “Sophron” (σώφρων) – Meaning “sound mind,” disciplined, balanced in thought and action.

Deeper Meaning:

A self-controlled leader is not ruled by emotions or impulses but by wisdom and discernment. He exercises discipline in his speech, habits, and lifestyle, ensuring that his decisions align with God’s will rather than fleshly desires.

How the Flesh Fights This:

The flesh resists discipline and self-denial, craving:

  • Comfort: Avoiding challenges and taking the easy path.

  • Procrastination: Delaying what should be done today.

  • Indulgence: Giving in to desires without restraint.

The flesh constantly seeks shortcuts, pleasure, and instant gratification, making self-control one of the hardest virtues to cultivate.

How We Overcome in Christ:

Victory over the flesh comes through:

  • The Power of the Holy SpiritGalatians 5:22-23 lists self-control as a fruit of the Spirit. It is not merely about self-effort but about yielding to the Spirit’s work.

  • Renewing Our Mind DailyRomans 12:2 teaches that transformation happens when we align our thoughts with God’s Word.

  • Dying to Self Luke 9:23 reminds us to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. Discipline comes from consistently choosing Christ over convenience.

The Blessing as a Leader:

A self-controlled leader:

  • Remains Focused – He does not get easily distracted by temptations, fears, or personal ambitions.

  • Makes Wise Decisions – He does not react impulsively but seeks God’s wisdom before acting.

  • Acts with Integrity – His discipline ensures that he is trustworthy and reliable in all situations.

How It Blesses Others:

When a leader walks in self-control:

  • He inspires trust – People know they can rely on his wisdom and stability.

  • He sets an example – His discipline encourages others to develop spiritual maturity.

  • He builds a strong team – His leadership creates a culture of diligence, accountability, and perseverance.

This Is What a Self-Controlled Man Should Be:

A self-controlled man:

  • Keeps his emotions in check.

  • Controls his speech, avoiding reckless words.

  • Guards his thoughts against impure and destructive influences.

  • Disciplines his body, rejecting laziness and excess.

  • Stays firm in his convictions, regardless of external pressures.

Reflection and Prayer Points:

  • Ask God to strengthen your discipline in areas where you struggle.

  • Reflect on how your habits reflect your level of self-control.

  • Consider areas where comfort, procrastination, or indulgence may be hindering your leadership.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you with wisdom and restraint in all aspects of your life.

  • Commit to renewing your mind daily through Scripture and prayer.


Part 3: Qualifications for a Man to Serve as a Teacher or Leader


Qualifications for a Man to Serve as a Teacher or Leader