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WHY CHURCH? by Pastor Jay Nembhard

In 2014, when we were in Jamaica, after a heated discussion with my wife and eldest son, I realised something about me that I hadn’t seen in the longest while – my judgment was off. I have been wrong so many times, but this one was different. After much self-reflection, I realised that something was changing in me. It was like driving a car that was pulling to one side, like something was wrong with the steering – my alignment was off.

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Christ first requires desire, duty, and delight

In this Bible study on discipleship, the focus is on putting Christ first. To be a real disciple, we must desire Him, obey His commands, and find delight in Him. Desire for Christ involves repentance and asking God for that desire, recognizing that it is a spiritual thing. Duty is obedience to Christ, and it is our responsibility to obey Him. As we obey God and do our duty, we will see another side of Him and find delight in Him. Once we truly find satisfaction and worth in Christ, He will give us the desires of our hearts. Only then can we be true disciples who are able to delight in Him.

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courtney lowe courtney lowe

how can one become teachable?

This discipleship Bible study focuses on being teachable. To be a disciple, you must be willing to forsake earthly ties and things, continue in His Word, and be teachable. Being teachable means being able to learn by being taught. To become teachable, you need to be hungry, honest, and humble. Hunger for God means seeking the righteousness of Christ, not the riches and pleasures of this world. Honesty requires examining ourselves to see if our actions reflect a genuine conversion. Humility involves recognizing that we need to be taught and being willing to learn from others.

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