Recommended Books for Married Couples

We highly recommend this curated selection of books for married couples seeking to strengthen their bond and improve their interactions. These readings are designed to enhance understanding and cooperation between partners, particularly in managing finances, time, and fostering a positive outlook. The goal is to cultivate a comprehensive and healthy mindset, addressing common marital challenges related to financial management, time allocation, and intimacy. Many couples may find they lack experience in effective communication and constructive thinking. Engaging with these books provides valuable insights and tools, encouraging couples to develop more supportive and understanding relationships.

Christian Living & Spiritual Growth

  1. King Me by Steve Farrar

  2. Point Man by Steve Farrar

  3. Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes

  4. Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes

  5. Slaying the Giants in Your Life by David Jeremiah

  6. Building Her House by Nancy Wilson

  7. Playing the Man by Mark Batterson

  8. You Can Get Over It by Rick Tenner

  9. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala

  10. Beyond Blessed by Robert Morris

  11. Solving Money Problems by David Crank

  12. The Making of a Man of God

Relationships & Marriage

  1. Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

  2. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

  3. Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll

  4. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

  5. The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler

Organisation & Self-Discipline

  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

  2. 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson

  3. Atomic Habits by James Clear

  4. The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken

  5. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

Communication & Conflict

  1. Difficult Conversations by Bruce Patton and Douglas Stone

  2. Forgive by Timothy Keller

General Christian Studies

  1. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

  2. Prayer by Timothy Keller

  3. The Man God Uses by Oswald J. Smith

  4. Hard Times Create Strong Men by Stefan Aarnio

  5. The Defining Verse by Warren Wiersbe

  6. The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn