Group Study 02 - The Dangers of False Prophets and Teachers

Objective: To understand the dangers posed by false prophets and teachers, and to learn how to discern and protect ourselves from teachings that are not aligned with the truth of God's Word. Emphasizing the importance of being vigilant about what we consume online, knowing Scripture, and staying connected to the church and fellowship groups.

Key Themes and Scriptures:

  1. Recognizing False Prophets

    • Explanation: Jesus warns that false prophets often appear harmless and trustworthy but are actually dangerous, leading believers astray. It's essential to be vigilant and discerning.

    • Key Scripture: Matthew 7:15 - "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."

    • Discussion Points:

      • What are some characteristics of false prophets and teachers today?

      • How can we stay vigilant against those who might appear genuine but teach falsehoods?

      • Discuss the dangers of following online content or teachers without truly knowing their lifestyle or the foundation of their teachings.

  2. Testing by Their Fruits

    • Explanation: Jesus teaches that we can recognize false prophets by the fruit of their lives and teachings. Good trees bear good fruit, and bad trees bear bad fruit.

    • Key Scripture: Matthew 7:16-20 - "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit."

    • Discussion Points:

      • What does it mean to "test the fruits" of a teacher or prophet?

      • How can we measure teachings and teachers by the word of God, rather than by what we want to hear?

      • Why is it important to know and understand the Bible deeply to effectively discern good from bad fruits?

  3. The Consequences of Following False Teachings

    • Explanation: Following false teachings can lead to spiritual destruction and separation from God. It's crucial to align our beliefs and practices with the truth of Scripture.

    • Key Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1-3 - "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves."

    • Discussion Points:

      • How can following false teachings lead to spiritual harm?

      • Why is it important to regularly study Scripture to discern truth from error?

      • How does participating in church and fellowship groups help us grow in our understanding of the Bible and protect us from false teachings?

  4. Being Mindful of What We Watch and Listen To

    • Explanation: In today’s digital age, it’s easy to consume teachings and content online without fully understanding the lifestyle or intentions of the teacher. We must be careful not to be swayed by messages that merely cater to our desires or promise short-term benefits.

    • Key Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:3-4 - "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."

    • Discussion Points:

      • How can we discern when a message is more about what we want to hear than what we need to hear?

      • Why is it crucial to measure every teaching against the word of God?

      • Discuss the importance of daily Bible reading and being grounded in Scripture to safeguard against misleading teachings.

Discussion Questions:

  • Have you encountered teachings or leaders online that seemed appealing but later proved to be misleading? How did you respond?

  • What steps can you take to ensure that what you watch and listen to aligns with biblical truth?

  • How has regular participation in church and fellowship groups strengthened your understanding of the Bible and protected you from false teachings?

Action Steps:

  • Commit to spending more time in personal Bible study this week to strengthen your ability to discern truth.

  • If you come across a teaching or doctrine online that seems questionable, research it in Scripture and seek counsel from trusted Christian leaders.

  • Make a commitment to regularly attend church and participate in fellowship group studies to deepen your knowledge of the Bible.

Closing Prayer Points:

  • For wisdom and discernment in recognizing false teachings and teachers.

  • For protection from being led astray by content that caters to our desires rather than truth.

  • For a deepened commitment to studying and understanding God’s Word.

  • For unity in truth within the group and broader Christian community.

  • For courage to confront and correct false teachings in a loving and biblical manner.

  • For a strong connection to the church and fellowship groups as a source of biblical truth and spiritual growth.


Group Study 01: The Dangers of Hypocrisy


Group Study 03 : The Dangers of the Love of Money