The Master Plan of Evangelism
Welcome to our leadership class, slated for January to February 2004, where we will delve into the profound insights of "The Master Plan of Evangelism" by Robert E. Coleman. Over eight sessions, we will explore this influential book, breaking it down to understand Jesus' unique approach to leadership and mentorship.
This book offers invaluable lessons for fellowship group leaders and ministry leaders, providing a deeper understanding of how Jesus effectively worked with people and developed disciples equipped with the right skills for ministry and discipleship. Through our weekly meetings, we will engage in meaningful discussions, reflecting on how Jesus' focus on individual mentorship over mass outreach can be applied in our personal ministries.
Our discussions will revolve around key questions that encourage reflection, personal application, identifying challenges, action steps, evaluating progress, acknowledging growth, and sharing our prayers and aspirations. This class promises to be a transformative journey, enhancing our leadership and mentorship skills in alignment with Christ's teachings.
Week 1 Selection
This session will explore how Jesus chose to invest deeply in a few individuals rather than attempting to reach the masses directly. Discussions will focus on the importance of selecting a few committed people for deeper mentorship and how this strategy can be applied in modern ministry.
Week 2 Association
This class will delve into the close, personal relationship Jesus had with his disciples. The session will emphasize the significance of personal connection and continual engagement in discipleship, reflecting on how this can be replicated in current church settings.
Week 3 Consecration:
The focus will be on Jesus' call for a life dedicated to God. Discussions will center around how Jesus demonstrated this through his life and sacrifice, and how leaders can encourage a similar dedication in their disciples.
Week 4 - Impartation:
This session will explore how Jesus imparted the Holy Spirit to his disciples, enhancing their zeal for evangelism. The class will discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering and guiding believers in their spiritual journey and ministry.
Week 5 - Demonstration:
The class will examine how Jesus showed his disciples his methods of evangelism, emphasizing the role of Scripture and personal faith. There will be discussions on how to effectively demonstrate evangelism techniques in various contexts.
Week 6 - Delegation:
This session will discuss how Jesus delegated authority to his disciples, empowering them to spread the Gospel. The class will explore the importance of entrusting responsibilities to others and encouraging active participation in ministry.
Week 7 - Supervision:
The focus will be on Jesus' hands-on approach in training his disciples, integrating practical experiences and continuous guidance. Discussions will revolve around effective ways to supervise and mentor disciples today.
Week 8 - Reproduction:
The final session will cover how Jesus encouraged his disciples to replicate their training in others, emphasizing the impact of spiritual multiplication. The class will explore strategies for teaching disciples to become mentors themselves, thus continuing the cycle of discipleship.
Key questions for discussions.
Reflection: In your own words, what are the key takeaways from our last study on Jesus' focus on individual mentorship over mass outreach?
Personal Application: How are you implementing the principle of personal mentorship in your own life and ministry?
Challenges: Where do you find the most challenge in focusing on a few individuals like Jesus did?
Action Steps: What are your next steps to strengthen your mentorship approach?
Progress Evaluation: How have you progressed based on your previous commitments in personal mentorship?
Growth and Encouragement: In what areas of mentorship and personal outreach have you seen the most growth?
Prayer and Aspirations: What are you praying about in relation to this subject, and where would you like to see God move profoundly in your mentorship efforts?